I've been a bad blogger, forgive me. There's been quite a bit of chaos around here lately.
Declan has had big ups and downs the last two weeks. At the beginning of his seventh week, it was like a miracle occurred. He became a "by-the-book" baby - eating every two hours, sleeping longer, not crying as much. But that only lasted three days. Then the switch flipped and he went back to his fussy, non-sleeping, eating every hour self.
Then last week, we temporarily ran out of cloth diapers and I put him in disposables for a night. Guess who slept from 10:30 pm to 6 am straight? Yep, Declan. Guess who woke up every 2 hours the next night, when he was back in cloth? You guessed it. So, guess who is contributing to landfills by putting disposable diapers on her son at nighttime? This overtired mama right here, that's who. And I only feel mildly guilty about it.
Getting more sleep is terrific. We haven't had another straight-through-to-morning night yet, but at least we only get up once or twice rather than a batrillion times. The other great thing about this week is the smiling. Declan has been grinning at us so much more this week, especially when Aaron makes fart sounds at him (what a boy...)
We've decided not to go to Iowa for Christmas. I'm sad that we won't see his family, or our Iowa friends, but I'm also relived that we won't be driving 17 hours with a two-month-old.
Pictures from weeks seven and eight:
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